• Tirane, ftese per oferte Feasibility Study

SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit Hermann-Gmeiner Fonds Deutschland (HGFD) and the 5 locally registered SOS Children's Villages National Associations Albania, Armenia, Belarus, North Macedonia and Ukraine, since October 2021, are successfully implementing the global programme entitled “A right to Family – Deinstitutionalisation to reform child protection systems”, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The project aims to improve children´s rights with a specific focus on supporting the reform of alternative childcare systems and the deinstitutionalisation process in the 5 project countries. The programme will end in April 2025 and significant results are achieved so far in advocating for improved legal framework in childcare system, in strengthening the social service workforce to support the better protection and care of children, in raising awareness at all levels to promote family-based care and in developing of a range of community-based services and family-based care services. The same 5 countries are going to implement the Right to Family II programme, following a system strengthening approach with interventions and measures on national, regional and local levels. The proposed programme objective, which will be presented to BMZ for funding, aims that children and young people without parental care or at risk of losing it have improved access to quality foster care and community-based services in 5 countries.

For this reason we are searching for national and/or international suppliers (independent consultants or companies)to conduct the feasibility study, which shall provide HGFD with a basis for decision making on what type of interventions, services and activities are feasible within the planned project, in the best interest of the target group. The purpose of a feasibility study is to provide a sound basis for developing a project proposal, by identifying preconditions, opportunities and risks, including possible mitigation measures. The study will provide HGFD with sufficient information to justify acceptance, modification or rejection of the proposed intervention for further formulation. The feasibility analysis of the proposed project will be carried out based on the OECD DAC criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and should consider the economic, social and institutional framework as well as political, environmental, and socio-cultural aspects in Albania, Armenia, Belarus, North Macedonia, Ukraine and at regional level.

The assignment should be carried out during the period 15 August 2024 – End of October 2024. Final report must be submitted to HGFD by 21st of October 2024. It is aimed that the engagement of consultants starts officially in the second week of August 2024.

Bids need to be submitted electronically to the following e-mail address: feasibility@sos-kd.org with subject line: “Application to conduct feasibility study” by 5th of August 2024, 17:00 CET.

For more details please refer to TORs.


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