• Tirane, ofroj vend pune Magento Developer

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  1. Web developer
Do you have bold dreams and an innovative spirit? Do you love the border between development and product? You don't want just another job, you're looking for a place where you can really grow? Look no further. Build Your Future and shape the future of the fast-growing team that builds ATIS (www.atis.al). We are Software Factory with offices in Tirana, Pristina and Skopje, with a staff of more than 120. Our company specializes in custom software development for clients from all across Europe. Our culture is focused on building inclusive teams and encourages employees to dream big. If you are focused on results, dedicated to quality, strength and integrity, and possess the drive to succeed, then we are your employer of choice. Put your talent to work with us – change the world, love your job! We want to build a better tomorrow with you.

We are looking for an experienced and versatile Magento Developer to join our team of passionate and driven individuals. Our ideal candidate is flexible with proven experience in developing modern, accessible and responsive websites for all types of clients. You will be a part of a creative team that is responsible for all aspects of the ongoing software development from the initial specification, through developing, testing and launching.


· Develop and build premium Magento ecommerce (backend and/or frontend).
· Participate in the ongoing development and implementation of front-end web coding and design standards, writing clean and concise code.
· Troubleshoot, test and maintain the core product software and databases to ensure strong optimization and functionality.
· Follow industry best practices.
· Work closely with designers, business analysts, project managers, and software engineers to ensure design standards are met throughout the lifecycle of the project.
· Participate in discussions with team members about technical best practices and help identify optimal technical solutions.
· Engage in outside-the-box thinking to provide high value-of-service to clients.
· Stay current on the latest trends and emerging technologies within the open source community.


· At least 6 months experience in web development with Magento.
· An excellent knowledge on PHP, HTML5, MySQL, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery.
· An existing web portfolio.
· Language requirements: English and/or Italian.

Desired Skills:

· Must have passion for development and latest technologies.
· Excellent understanding of object-oriented design concepts and software development processes and methods.
· Demonstrated ability to work independently with minimal supervision.
· Ability to troubleshoot and maintain mid-level to complex applications.
· Leadership and ability to guide design and technical meetings.

We offer:

· Extensive on the job training and exciting innovative projects within a very dynamic environment.
· Competitive salary and benefits in a highly meritocratic company.
· Pleasant working environment within a modern office space near the city center of Tirana.

Please send an email with CV at: careers@atis.al

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for a job interview.

Albanian Telecommunication Information Services SHPK ( ATIS SHPK) deshiron te vere ne vemendjen e kandidateve te interesuar per punesim se cdo informacion qe do te paraqesin lidhur me shprehjen e interesit te tyre per sa me siper, do te trajtohet me nje nivel sigurie te stadarteve me te larta per ruajtjen dhe perpunimin e te ketyre te dhenave ne perputhje te plote me parashikimet e ligjit nr. 9887 date 10.03.2008 "Per Mbrojtjen e te Dhenave Personale" i ndryshuar dhe aktet nenligjore te nxjerra ne zbatim te tij. Gjithashtu, me dhenien e ketij informacioni, kandidati i interesuar deklaron dhe jep miratimin e tij per procesimin dhe ruajtjen e metejshem te te dhenave personale te tij nga ana e ATIS SHPK per perdorim te brendshem te kompanise dhe per qellimin per te cilin ai ka deklaruar vullnetarisht keto te dhena. Kandidati ka te drejte te kerkoj ne cdo kohe shtimin, heqjen, bllokimin apo korrigjimin e te dhenave te tij sipas te drejtave dhe detyrimeve te parashikuar ne aktet ligjore. Me dergimin e CV nga ana juaj, shoqeria ATIS SHPK prezumon qe ju keni marr njoftim dhe keni dhene pelqimin tuaj per sa me siper.
